First Impressions
If there was a word that could describe how our journey to Germany became possible, it would be the word “緣分” (yuan fen).
“緣分” (yuan fen) indescribable in English words is the reason how our journey to Germany became possible. Our hostess Judy was my mother’s first year student. Now forty years old (mind you, my mother is only fifty ), a mother of a brilliant child and a wife of an Austrian Engineer(his name is Cluas) who works in a international corporation. Living with such a German (Austrian) family was the perfect way to have a better perception of the European culture.
Knowing that Germany is a highly industrialized nation by heart, I never imagined it’s houses could be so elegantly and artistically built. But all the beauty didn’t just come out from nowhere, only with a nicely functioning government and tight building regulations could all this be accomplished. In Germany, if you wanted to modify the exterior of the house you own, you must get the approval of not only your friendly neighbors, but also the local government.

Beautiful house
A huge garden with fruits and vegetables, a nearly impossible dream for city dwellers in Taiwan. In addition, having a vivid four seasons is quite unimaginable for someone like myself.

Greenhouse (Of course, it gets very cold in the Winter)

Grape vine
Array of fruits and beautiful flowers.